
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Personal Development. Self-actualization. Love. Leadership.

These are the interests of the sophisticated, thoughtful men and women who get the most out of working with me.

They are all:

  • curious about life, love and being a good person.
  • express concern about the level of conflict and disrespect in their relationships and/or our society.
  • want to make a difference but they’re not quite sure how.
  • want freedom to be and do what feels meaningful to them, while still being valued by the people around them

They appreciate the framework I teach because its approach – synthesized from physics, axiology and neuro-psychology – cuts through some of the mysteries regarding human behavior, allows them to connect more easily with others, and frees them to be the extraordinary, creative, whole beings that they authentically are.

I can not think of anything more rewarding to be doing with my time than helping others see themselves bigger than they can see themselves! What I know for sure is that when we do the work of falling in love with ourselves, becoming authentically integrated people, we elevate everyone around us through our grace, wisdom and presence.

If this is something you’re curious about let’s chat.

Email me jolina@jolinakaren.com to set up a short, complimentary phone call to connect.