Some years ago I ‘disappeared’ a tumor by collapsing the emotional charges I felt about it. I did the same with crippling endometriosis. It took me a matter of hours each time. From these and other experiences, both personal and with clients, I realized a 5-step process that I call “Activate GRACE.”

After years of teaching it in multi-day workshops, and with my private clientele, I now feel an urgency to share this healing tool with as many people as possible. To that end I have been experimenting with an abbreviated workshop to see what changes we can effect in just a few hours. So far the feedback has been truly gratifying and encouraging. Overall the comments of the participants have reflected shared feelings of lightness, relief, better understanding of themselves and others, and greater appreciation of their challengers. It is this – a deep appreciation for one’s challenger (be it a person, a tumor, an event or an accident) that is the greatest ignitor of healing.

What I have learned in my 20 years of working with the principles on which Activate GRACE is founded is this: the most powerful place from which to bring about change is, paradoxically, from a place of wanting no change to happen.

Activating a state of GRACE for what is, just as it is, makes healing possible. This is a counter-intuitive phenomenon. It demands curiosity, humility and some courage. More importantly, it requires a framework that allows you see what you haven’t yet been able to see. In this workshop you will get a solid introduction to both the framework and the tool that I and my clients have used to free ourselves from physical ailments, relationship pains and personal anxieties. If you’d like to hear more a REPLAY of a recent MASTERCLASS is available here


I’ve often been told ‘you’re such a good listener!’ A few years ago I decided to reverse engineer what I was doing to draw those responses from people. Turns out …I followed a system! I came by it intuitively but, when I broke it down, I realized that I was following the way information typically flows in the brain! I use my tone of voice, body language and words to ‘speak to’ and calm the 3 main areas of the brain …the brain stem, the limbic system and the cortex…in that order. I was delighted to learn that doing this has a profound effect on stimulating the most humanizing aspects of ourselves. The way we listen to another person has an incredible and powerful effect on their brain development! Truly, the way we make each other feel seen and heard, understood and appreciated …can change the world! I hope you enjoy this brief overview of what I have come to call the REVERT system for transformational listening. Get the guide here