Catalytic Convos – Diving In


Listening and speaking in ways that make others feel seen and heard, understood and appreciated is a skill. It takes practice.

Please join me for a 6-week experience of engraining the 4-part structure of a Catalytic Conversation.

In a naturally flowing catalytic conversation there is a rhythm, a back and forth of information that deepens understanding between the participants AND stimulates integration between three major areas of the brain: the reptilian (fight or flight), the limbic (emotion and memory) and the cortex (thinking). There is a specific sequence and structure to the kind of conversation that can stimulate this emotionally maturing integration. Many people find it surprisingly difficult at first.

It takes practice and that is what the up-coming program is designed to give you. I’ll be incorporating practices from mindfulness and emotional intelligence trainings, as well as stand-up comedy hacks and insights on human motivation and relationships from my Demartini behaviorist lens.

This is a pilot program. The number of attendees will be small and the price is set to make it easy to say ‘yes’….$150/person or $200/couple (email or call me for this)

Dates: Mondays JULY 8  – AUGUST 12, 2019

(July 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug 5, 12)

Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM

Venue: 719 Ten Mile Drive, Unit F, Frisco, CO

Registration is required.

Cost: $150/person