Meet Jolina

“Jolina is an oracle of sorts. She is a healer, not of brokenness but from an optimization standpoint….healing so that you’re equipped to be fully you.” Dr David Martin

For the past 20 years or so, Jolina has been guiding clients to greater levels of Self-awareness and personal integration, in order to heal themselves and and their relationships. She has led workshops and retreats on three continents to empower participants with a unique, values-driven understanding of human behavior and self-actualization. Now, more than ever, she believes it is imperative that as many of us as possible do the work of becoming whole. Our freedom and well-being depend on it.

Jolina holds certifications in Psychology, Sociology, various somatic therapies, Behavioral Kinesiology and The Demartini Method™. Her insights and wisdom are born of a lifelong fascination with human behavior, relationships, healing and the natural world.

The Backstory

Raised by a spiritual healer mother and a nuclear physicist father, Jolina knew her life would be about bringing science and spirituality together in order to make sense of the human experience, especially as it pertains to healing.

Inspiration took hold when, at fourteen, she read Carl Jung’s autobiography. In it he wrote that we cannot affect true healing until we reach the soul! This ignited in Jolina four burning questions that informed the next few decades of her life: “What is the soul? How do we reach it? Why does this matter? And, how can I explain all this to dad?”

It was the search for answers to those questions that made Jolina leave her homeland South Africa in 1989. She says: “a little voice told me to ‘go find the thing you’re supposed to find and bring it back”. She naively thought she’d find ‘it’ in two years, go home to SA and live happily ever after. Instead the quest took fifteen.

In those fifteen years Jolina traveled on four continents, sailed across the Atlantic twice, became a professional sailor and chef, swam with dolphins, got married and divorced, started businesses, made a few documentaries and, most importantly, met a myriad of healers from whom she learned many things ….. telekinesis, plant spirit medicine, energy balancing, soul retrieval, somatic therapies, kinesiology and more. Each new teacher imparted insights and practices that carried her closer to answering the burning questions that kept calling her forward in life. At the end of each training she would ask her Little Voice: “Is this it? Is this the thing I’m supposed to find? Can I go home now?” For fifteen years the Little Voice said: “Nope. Not yet”.

2004 with Dr Demartini on Table Mtn, Cape Town, South Africa
2004 with Dr Demartini on Table Mtn, Cape Town, South Africa

All of that changed when, in 2003, Jolina stumbled across the work of Dr Demartini. Dr D is a polymath, one of the most extraordinary minds on the planet. His ability to synthesize wisdom from multiple disciplines (two hundred and fifty some at last count) is unparalleled. In his teachings mathematics, astronomy, cosmology, philosophy, physiology, quantum mechanics, psychology, chemistry, embryology, pathology and many more bodies of knowledge merge and meld and out of it all he has extrapolated an extraordinary and elegant model of the intelligent and economical universe, and our place within it.

His is the work Jolina feels blessed to have been a student of for the past 18 years. It is his body of work that finally provided the understanding that she had been seeking. It answered the first three of her burning questions, led her to help get him established in South Africa, and then left her with burning question number four: “How do I explain all this to dad?”

Jolina is a teacher at heart. Grasping high level concepts and stepping them down in ways that others can grasp, is very high value to her. When you work with her you don’t get just some coaching tips or psychological insights, you get an education that is absolutely guaranteed to revolutionize the way you look at things.

Jolina knows that until we change the very lens through which we see and judge everything, nothing really changes. She is committed to teaching clients the principles of a new, more integrating and authentically liberating paradigm, much of which flies in the face of pop psychology and modern theology. It is a challenging path to take that requires a willingness to really look at oneself, own ALL that one sees, and integrate it through a high-level inquiry of functional-analysis. While this is guaranteed to shatter egos and crash identities, it is also guaranteed to liberate a far more refined and inspired, self-aware and self-loving YOU.

Her clients are psychologically sophisticated men and women who want to be the best versions of themselves …..and, as a such, be the best parents, partners, teachers and leaders they can be. They are soul-seekers and conscious thought-leaders who feel something stir when they read the likes of this:

For he who has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time already achieved knowledge about the depth of the all. – The Book of Thomas the Contender

If you have been asking similar questions about life, love, healing, self-actualization, relationships, purpose and being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be ….send Jolina an email. She’d be happy to set up a time to chat, hear your questions and see if it’s a fit for the two of you to uncover the answers together.